Student Organizations
The Career Center offers four Career and Technical student organizations for students to join while taking Career Center courses.
Sponsor: Tara Fohey,
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) is a student led, leadership organization with family as its central focus. Students work within the school and community to develop their leadership skills and provide service to their fellow peers and community. Emphasis is placed on the development of communication, leadership, and service work. Students enrolled or previously enrolled in a Family and Consumer Sciences class, Culinary Arts, or Early Childhood Careers class are eligible to become chapter members of FCCLA. FCCLA is an integral part of all FACS, Culinary Arts, and Early Childhood Careers courses. FCCLA students have opportunities to participate in local, regional, state, and national competition, as well as, compete for scholarships.
Sponsors: Kristina Parman, &
Jessy Reuterdahl,
National FFA Organization (FFA) is a student organization that gives agricultural students the opportunity to develop their leadership skills, take responsibility for planning and completing projects, and work with others in activities and contests. It is an integral part of the agriculture curriculum and allows students the opportunity to participate in local, state, and national activities and to receive recognition for accomplishments pertaining to classroom achievement.
Sponsor: Abbie Farrington,
National Technical Honor Society (NTHS) is the honor society for Career & Technical Education (CTE). The mission of the National Technical Honor Society is to advocate for and empower all students to pursue the skills needed to build their careers and the global workforce. We achieve this through the implementation of the NTHS Core Four Objectives: • Career Development • Leadership Development • Service Opportunities • Recognition
Sponsor: Bobbi Jo Linn,
Skills USA is a student leadership organization for those taking career and work-oriented courses which promotes leadership, work skills, and competition in skills areas. SkillsUSA is an integral part of all the trade philanthropists; and skilled workers. Throughout the year the group will participate in many community service activities, acquire “soft” skills (being on time, being polite, getting along with co-workers, developing a positive work ethic, etc.); and participate in competitions. Students will be expected to participate at the local level and may progress to the district, state, and national levels for further recognition and opportunities, especially scholarship opportunities.